February 15, 2025

About – https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/23930123/2s847fuykr


Introduction (2)

https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/23930123/2s847fuykr – postman is the API platform that provides an API repository, comprehensive tools, workspaces, operational information, and integrations to simplify every step of the API lifecycle.

What is the Postman?

What is the Postman_ (1)

Postman is an API development tool (Application Programming Interface) with which APIs can be created, tested and changed. Almost every functionality that any developer can need is encapsulated in this tool. It is used by over 5 million software developers every month to make your API development easy. It can create different HTTP requirements (Get, Post, Put, Patch), store environments for later use, and convert the API into code (such as JavaScript and Python) into code.

As per the information on the website https://golden.com/wiki/Postman-JNKZJAG. Postman is an API platform for creating and consuming APIs. Postman simplifies every step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can build better APIs faster.

What is Postman Documenter?

What is Postman Documenter_

Postman allows you to publish documentation quickly and easily. Postman automatically fetches your sample requests, headers, code snippets, etc. to fill out your documentation page with dynamic examples and machine-readable instructions so you can easily share your API with the rest of the world.

What Happens at the postman?

Search the largest network of APIs and share your development with developers around the world.

Postman Tools

The Postman Platform includes a complete set of tools that help accelerate the API lifecycle from design, testing, documentation, and also mocking to sharing and discoverability of your APIs.

  • API Client
  • API Design
  • API Documentation
  • API Tests
  • Mock Server
  • Monitors
  • API Discovery

API Repository

Easily store, catalog, and collaborate on one central platform with all your API artifacts. Postman can store and manage API specs, documentation, workflow recipes, test cases, and also results, metrics, and anything API related.

  • A Single Source of Truth for APIs
  • API Builder
  • Native Git Support
  • Private API Network
  • Public API network
  • Search

Work Space

Postman workspaces help you establish your API work and collaborate across an organization or the world. There are four different types of Postman workspaces to meet your different needs.

  • Personal Workspaces
  • Team Work Stations
  • Partner Workspaces
  • Public Workspaces


Postman’s full lifecycle governance approach enables users to shift their development practices to the left, resulting in better quality APIs and fostering collaboration between development teams and API design teams.

  • API Governance
  • API Security
  • Reporting

How do I Create the API Documentation from the Postman Collection?

According to the information on the website softwaretestinghelp.com. To create documentation, click Documentation and enter the request URLs that contain the methods you want to document. Click Next to enter the name of the APIs and a general description of your API. Postman creates a collection and creates documentation for you and your team to view.

Generating API Documentation

Generating API Documentation

Documentation is an important part of any collection or API. Good documentation helps people who use your collection understand what each request does and how it works. And comprehensive API documentation tells your customers what endpoints are available and how to interact with them.

After generating the documentation for your collection or API, users can view the documentation in Postman. By default, your documentation is private, so you must share a collection or API with others before they can access it. If you create a public API, you can publish your documentation to make it publicly available to anyone with a web browser.

Documentation of a Collection

Postman automatically generates basic documentation for each collection it creates. The documentation provides details about each request in the collection of it, as well as sample code in various client languages. The request details include the method, authorization type, URL, headers, request and response structures, and examples. Additionally, the documentation lists all the key-value pairs for the request parameters, headers, and bodies.

To make his documentation even more valuable to users, he adds descriptions to items in his collection. Any description he adds will automatically be included in his collection’s documentation.

To add a description, do the following:

  • Select Collections in the sidebar, then select a collection, folder, or request.
  • Select the documentation icon in the right sidebar.
  • Next to the description, select the edit icon.
  • Compose your new content, then select Save. For more information on using Postman’s built-in editing tools, see Writing documents.

API Documentation Generation

API Builder provides a central place to view, create, and manage all of your API documentation. Postman automatically generates API documents for each OpenAPI 3.0 definition. You can also add detailed documentation to each API by generating a collection from the API or by adding a copy of an existing collection.

See Schema Documentation

When you design an API based on the OpenAPI 3.0 specification, Postman automatically creates documentation based on your API definition.

The API documentation includes complete API, route, and operation information such as authentication methods, parameters, request bodies, response bodies, and headers, as well as examples. The documentation also includes information for various data models, such as required B. attributes, default, minimum, and maximum values, and other constraints.

To view the documentation for an OpenAPI 3.0 API, do the following:

  • In the sidebar, select API, and then select an API.
  • In the API overview, under Definition, select View schema documentation.

Creating New Documentation for an API

To generate a new collection of API documentation, do the following:

  • In the sidebar, select API, and then select an API.
  • In the API overview, select + next to Collections, and then select Build from the API definition.
  • Change any settings to personalize the new collection.
  • Select Build Collection.

The new collection appears in your API overview and below your API in the sidebar. To view the documentation for the collection, expand the collection and select View Full Documentation.

Add Existing Documentation to an API

To use an existing collection for API documentation, do the following:

  • In the sidebar, select API, and then select an API.
  • In the API overview, next to Collections, select +, and then select Copy an existing collection.
  • Select an available collection and choose Copy Collection.

The collection copy appears in your API overview and below your API in the sidebar. To view the documentation for the collection, expand the collection and select View Full Documentation.

Editing the API documentation

You can add your API documentation collections from the API Builder.

To edit a documentation collection for an API, do the following:

  • In the sidebar, select API, and then select an API.
  • In the API overview, expand a collection and select View full documentation.
  • Select the edit icon next to any description and use the built-in editing tools to write content.

Removal of API documentation

To remove a documentation collection from an API, do the following:

  • In the sidebar, select API, and then select an API.
  • In the API overview, hover over a collection and select the delete icon.
  • Select Delete.


Postman allows you to publish documentation quickly and easily. Postman automatically fetches your sample requests, headers, code snippets, etc. to fill out your documentation page with dynamic examples and machine-readable instructions so you can easily share your API with the rest of the world.

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