February 15, 2025

What Increases Your Risk of Developing Spider Veins? – 2023

Spider veins are a common condition affecting millions of people worldwide. They usually appear on the legs, arms, and face but can also appear on other body parts. Spider veins New York can occur in any part of your body, including your back, neck, and chest.

While it is impossible to avoid getting spider veins completely, some factors can increase your risk of getting them. The factors that increase your risk of developing spider veins include:


Inactivity increases the risk of developing spider veins by causing poor circulation and stiffness in the skin. Sitting for long periods will make your legs feel heavy and tired, leading to muscle weakness and decreased blood flow. Being active will help keep your muscles strong and healthy so that they can carry out the tasks that need to be done every day. That will help prevent the development of spider veins by strengthening the muscles around your legs.


Your risk of developing spider veins heightens with age. As you age, your skin loses its elasticity and becomes drier and thinner. As a result, your skin is more prone to stretch marks and wrinkles when it contracts or tightens during activity. This makes spider veins more likely to develop on top of existing ones in your system.

Exposure to ultraviolet light and sun

Sun exposure triggers collagen production in the skin, which is broken down by sunlight and contributes to forming new blood vessels. Sun exposure also increases the amount of collagen in the body overall, which can lead to increased blood vessel growth in other areas of your body where collagen is also found in large amounts (such as your palms).

Family history of the condition

The presence of spider veins in family members increases your chance of developing this condition. It is, therefore, vital to know if you have any relatives who suffer from this problem. If yes, then it is crucial to see a doctor so that they can examine your veins and diagnose you with the disease. You can avoid undergoing expensive treatments like laser therapy or surgery.

Skin type

Those with oily skin types are more likely to develop telangiectasia than those with dry skin types. Those with oily skin often have large papules (superficial lesions) on their face and upper limbs due to increased sebum production (oil). This can lead to clogged pores which may cause leakage of blood into surrounding tissue, causing redness or blanching around these areas known as telangiectasia.

High blood pressure levels

If you have high blood pressure, this could also increase your risk of developing spider veins. Talk to your doctor about lowering your blood pressure if it is out of control and prevent further damage from occurring in the future.

this are generally harmless, but you should contact your doctor if you have large spider veins that cause pain, throbbing, or burning. The doctor will also want to rule out underlying causes before making treatment recommendations. If you notice that you have this, you should talk to your doctor about what treatment options are available. Contact Upper East Side Cardiology and book an appointment with a doctor to learn more about spider veins.

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